We offer many hitman services

Our Features


Guns: $15,000
Knife: $22,000
Poison: $40,000
Painless Poison:$42,000
Death Torture:$50,000


Acid Attack: $4,000
Facial Scar: $3,000
Crippling: $10,000


Torture: $ 20,000
Rape: $2,000
Beatings: $ 2,000
Setup and framings price is different

Our latest works

Our Projects

Murder with Hands behind a chair
Murder with Hands behind a chair
Death By hanging
Death By hanging
Stabbing With a Knife
Stabbing With a Knife
Kill by Explosion
Kill by Explosion

Happy clients say


"You guys are legendary! You guys are great and having amazing support & service. I couldn’t ask for any better,I am Very satisfied with the result i saw on the new,i do not have any more enemies i would have loved to do it again. Thank you!"

Rosa Lynn
Rosa Lynn Consultant

She was asking for half of my wealth and I couldn’t stand her greediness to get what I have worked for most of my life while she sits at home.i am glad she is no more to fight what doesn’t belong to her.

Herman Gerald
Herman Gerald Sales Manager

They Ganged Up and raped me.They Lured me into their trap.Even in their death i want to murder them again and again and it hunts me every night what they did to me.I ordered for their penises to be shipped to me and i got it.

Alexia mckenzie
Alexia mckenzie Model

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